He would sit in the parking lot outside the one-story concrete building that houses the land office and dole out cash for sellers from the back seat, according to real-estate brokers and a local government land official. 据房地产经纪人和当地政府一位土地官员透露,这名男子会把车停在土地办公室所在的一座一层混凝土建筑外的停车场里,从汽车后座向卖地的人派发现金。
Israeli officials say the masterplan for mass resettlement will entail an unprecedented transfer of government land to Israeli Arabs. 以色列官方说大规模安置的总体规划将意味着前所未有的政府土地转让给以色列阿拉伯人。
The author built a simple model about the determination of housing prices and land prices and analyzed the influence of government land supply on housing prices and land prices. 笔者构建了一个简化的房价与地价的决定模型,分析了政府的土地供应数量对房价和地价的影响。
And, powerful Rift Valley politician and presidential hopeful William Ruto was also forced to resign his cabinet post after being charged with benefiting from the illegal sale of government land. 势力很大的裂谷省政治人物、有望当选总统的威廉。鲁托在被控从非法出售政府土地中获利之后也被迫辞去部长职务。
Macao law requires government land to be sold through an open bidding process, unless special dispensation is granted by the government. 澳门法律规定,政府土地需要通过公开招标程序出售,除非政府特别分配的土地。
The local government invests land and an office building. 当地政府投入了土地和办公楼。
Survey of government land steam boilers [ public works category] 勘测政府土地蒸汽锅炉〔公共工程类别〕
Letter of cancellation of Government Land Licence 取消政府土地租用牌照通知书
The areas of government land specified in the schedule are designated as special areas for the purposes of the ordinance. 为施行本条例,附表所指明的政府土地范围,现指定为特别地区。
In some cases, local government land auctions have failed as bids fell short of the minimum level required. 在一些地方,地方政府的土地拍卖因出价未达拍卖底价而流拍。
The rest of the sector fell on profit-taking, however, as investors turned wary before a government land auction due after the close. 不过,由于昨日收盘后政府计划拍卖一块土地,因此投资者颇为谨慎,纷纷获利回吐,导致该板块其它股票有所下挫。
Government lease [ formerly known as Crown lease] Government Land Permit 政府租契〔前称官契〕政府土地租用许可证
This time, he addresses the Government's land policy. 这一次,他阐述了政府的土地政策。
While peasants do not have to pay for their 30-year leases, they are allowed to sublet their land, which provides huge scope for officials to grant government land for free to their friends and relatives, who then lease the land for a profit. 虽然农民不需要为30年的租期付钱,但他们可以转租自己的土地,这就赋予了政府官员很大的空间,他们可以将政府土地免费提供给亲友,让他们通过出租土地牟利。
Temporary occupation of government land and buildings 暂时租用政府土地及楼宇
Someone who settles lawfully on government land with the intent to acquire title to to it. 在政府土地上合法居住下来目的是获取拥有它的权利的人。
Association of Government Land and Engineering Surveying Officers 政府土地工程测量员协会
Government land goes down to about where you turned off the road. 政府管辖的地方就到这个拐弯处。
Two sites were sold at a government land auction yesterday for a combined$ 706 million, well below market expectations of$ 800 million to$ 1 billion. 政府昨日拍卖两幅地皮,成交价合共7.06亿,比市场预期的8亿至10亿为低。
No wire forming part of the system shall cross any street or unleased Government land. 任何组成该系统一部分的导线不得横过任何街道或未批租政府土地。
Government land policies and high prices have concentrated power in the hands of a few large developers, says Christopher Dillon, a Hong Kong property investor who has written a book about the market. 香港地产投资者克里斯托弗狄龙(ChristopherDillon)曾著书论述香港楼市,他表示:政府的土地政策以及高昂的地价,使权力集中到了少数几家大开发商手中。
In the previous government land auction, in August, a residential site sold for 33 per cent less than expected and attracted just one bid. 在8月份进行的上一次政府土地拍卖中,一块住宅地皮的成交价比预期低33%,而且只吸引到一个投标。
Land property rights move from absoluteness to socialization, and the government land requisition rights come into being, owing to the need of public interests. 由于公共利益的需要,土地产权从绝对性向社会性转化,产生了政府的土地征用权。
Firstly, through the statistical data of the urban development, and the research for the direction of the government land policies, we know that the use of the irreproducible resource& land resources will be increased by the increasing of the population. 首先通过对城市化发展进程的数据统计,以及研究政府上地政策的方向,得出土地资源作为一种不可再生的资源项目,其利用率只会随着人口数量绝对值的增加而不断提高。
Fourth, it should norm local government land collection, storage and leasing behaviour, forbid the local government to produce wealth unfairly, though collecting and leasing land. 第四,规范地方政府土地征收、储备和出让行为,打破地方政府征地卖地的生财之道。
Based on the direction incentive problems Macro-institutional environment and the lack of system constraint in micro-land institutional arrangements lead to government misconduct in the system operation, so a combination of both are the system reasons for misconduct of current government land expropriation. 基于宏观制度环境所存在的反向激励问题和微观土地制度安排中所存在的制度约束不足是政府行为失范的制度原因,两者结合就是当前政府土地征收行为失范的制度原因。
Following the 2003 "SARS", the" administrative accountability "has been used more widely, not only in food hygiene, public safety and other fields, but also in local government land acquisition process. 继2003年非典之后,行政问责一词被越来越广泛地提出,不仅体现在食品卫生、公共安全等领域,也体现在地方政府征用土地的过程之中。
Because of his local government land transfer fee makes overt or covert status will not affect the identity of participants in their own game. 地方政府因着他的收取土地出让金使得或明或暗的状态都不会影响自己博弈参与者的身份。
The land finance the premise of the land ownership and land reform issues, analysis and formation mechanism of the economic behavior of local government land use should be the focus of our attention. 土地财政产生前提的土地产权与土地制度改革问题、地方政府土地利用的经济行为的分析及形成机制都应该是我们关注的重点。
Since the 17th, the local government land resources management career has gained great achievement, but it faces countless problems, either. 十七大以来,地方政府国土资源管理事业既取得了明显成就,也面临着很多问题。